Welcome to Brittany


In Brittany, life is good. A rich natural environment, a balanced urban framework, strong values of citizenship and solidarity, are the ingredients of this harmonious living environment. According to the surveys, the various indicators linked to the quality of life put Brittany at the top of the ranking of the French regions.


The cultural vitality of Brittany is not a legend. With an extraordinary heritage and a strong cultural heritage, Brittany knows how to draw from its roots to reinvent itself. From the electro stage, to the Pont-Aven school and contemporary art, Brittany is a land of inspiration for many artists. And the more than 1,300 festoù-noz organized each year make all generations vibrate, inscribing Breton music in the current energy.


With a solid offer of training in secondary, higher education, or apprenticeship, Brittany is a fertile ground for developing research and innovation and building economic sectors of excellence. Cybersecurity, marine renewable energies, smart grids, health, biotechnology… Brittany is inventing the world tomorrow.


Destinations in Brittany




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